Welcome to St. Katherine of Siena Catholic Church!
St. Katherine's Catholic Church is committed to loving God, loving others and making disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. As Roman Catholics, we seek to honor our faith tradition by authentically and cratively presenting it in our community here in Wallowa County, especilly to Catholics who have become disconnected to the church.
I invite you to come and join us, the Catholic Community that is warm and open envirenment where you and your family will feel welcomed and at home.
You will experience community and a relevant message that "isn't about rules, but about your relationship" with God.
There are many ways to grow in our faith, enrich our spiritual lives, and serve the needs of one another. Come and join us for Holy Mass celebration.
If you haven't registered in our parish, you are welcome to do so. You may download the registration form from the link on to your right on this page or pick up one from the church entrance. We look forward to walking with you.