To instruct the ignorant;

To Councel the doubtful;

To admonish sinners;

To bear wrongs patiently;

To forgive offences willingly;

To comfort the afflicted;

To pray for the living and the dead

Spiritual works of Mercy


The corporal works of Mercy


To feed the hungry;

To give drink to the thirsty;

To clothe the naked;

To harbour the harbourless;

To visit the sick;

To ransom the captive;

To bury the dead;

Serving Holy Mass - explained


Getting involved in the liturgy is a rewarding experience, offering you a special bond between yourself, Christ and the Parish Community. We welcome all who have a true desire; please contact the Pastor or one of the leaders.



Lectors proclaim the Word of God at the Mass in a clear, persuasive way and with interpretive emphasis so that the faithful may discover anew God’s Word, alive in our assembly.

Duties and Requirements ...

Eucharistic Ministers

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, assists the presider by bringing the Body & Blood of Christ to every person approaching the table of the Lord.

Duties and Requirements ...

Altar Servers

Altar Servers, both adult and youth, assist the presider with the Roman Missal, sacred vessels; incensing,    sprinkling rites, and much more.

Duties and Requirements ...